Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

Dear colleagues, I present the first issue of our journal in 2023 year. This is the third year of the life of our new magazine. We are glad that it is actively developing and we hope that you also like the content and design of our journal.
Sociocultural changes are an important factor for understanding the development of the individual in modern conditions. The socialization of the younger generations is considered in the social sciences as a complex and contradictory process, where different trends are intertwined: general civilizational, associated with the spread of globalization and digitalization; pan-European, setting cultural patterns, forming one or another intellectual trend, carrying technological or social innovations; regional, determined by ways of life in the local spaces of everyday life, characterized by the greatest creativity and diversity.
A technique “Pinks and Greens” was designed for a cognitive psychology workshop on embodied cognition. It is a game with multifactorial interactions and transformations of the participants with green marks into the participants with pink marks, and vice versa. It is created in the tradition of “live chess”: several participants from the class are solving logical problems in the environment “Pinks and Greens” according to its existing rules, being the space-distributed elements of this environment.
The modern scientific literature presents a wide variety of psychological theories and concepts describing the self-determined behavior of a personality, its ability to make a free and conscious choice, to act independently of environmental influences or heredity. However, most of the authors who study motivational, cognitive and reflexive characteristics of personality paid primary attention to individual manifestations of self-determination, not taking into account the complex hierarchical structure of the phenomenon, the multiplicity of indeterministic centers in human behavior and the complex mechanisms of interaction of various levels in the personality system.
The study is devoted to the analysis of differences and similarities in the political orientations of representatives of the baby boomers and millennial generations in a difficult geopolitical situation. A survey (N = 969) was used, which included the methods “Justification of the Social System” (J.T. Jost), the screening version of the time perspective questionnaire by F. Zimbardo, “The short version of the scales of the J. Duckitt’s method”, author's questionnaires by T.A. Nestik “Attitude towards traditional values”, “Feelings of pride and shame for the country”, “The image of the future domestic and foreign policy of the state”, “Social identity”, “Social optimism”, “Trust in social institutions”, etc.
The challenges of the modern digital society are considered. In this new society the variability and uncertainty of the transitive space are associated with new difficulties allied with the need to operationalize new technologies, including working with gadgets and virtual technologies – a helmet, glasses and a room. At the same time, new opportunities arise that provide people with both intellectual systems (artificial intelligence, neural networks, robots, etc.) and new additional spaces, as well as modern films and TV series, in the process of constant watching of which people identify themselves with the characters of these serials. Such opportunities help people cope with the anxieties and depressions caused by the constant complexities of the environment.
A review of an article by the French microbiologist, geneticist and Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine François Jacob, dedicated to the topic of Science Communication, is presented. The position of the author on the need for scientists and researchers to communicate with the scientific community and present their research to the general public is highlighted. Within the framework of this article, scientists focus on the first aspect.
An abstract translation of the first large systematic review and meta-analysis of publications describing the effect of psychological interventions on infertility-related distress and pregnancy rates among people overcoming infertility is presented in the article. The purposes of research are to study all available English-language randomized controlled trials (RCTs), evaluating the impact of psychotherapy on stress indicators and pregnancy rates after infertility, to determine the most effective psychotherapeutic approach and optimal treatment moderators and to explain the contradictory results of previously published studies.
Alessandra Lemma's book is dedicated to the body and bodily modifications in their entire spectrum, from the use of cosmetics to extreme transformations. The question of how to feel at home in your body reflects the basic fact that being-in-the-body simultaneously confronts us with our dependence on the other and with the loss of unity with the other. The focus of attention and understanding of the body are the peculiarities of the relationship between the “I” and the other (m/other), the child and the adult caring for him, which determine in many ways whether the body will be the place of the embodiment of the “I” or the object of manipulation, which is attacked and over which it is necessary to win.