Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

For the authors

Review order

Each article submitted to the journal is reviewed by two scientists who are experts in the theme of the submitted article. Articles go through a double blind peer review process. This means that the reviewers do not know the names of the author (s), and the authors do not know the names of the reviewers. The time for reviewing the article is no more than a month from the date of receiving the article. Authors are automatically notified of this fact. After reviewing, the authors receive reviews, in which the benefits and weaknesses of the article are noted, as well as a decision to publish without revision or with revisions. Time for revision of the article, according to the comments of the reviewers is a month from the date of sending the review. In case of a refusal for publication, the authors also receive a notification from the editor in the form of a letter justifying the refusal for publication.


Example of forming articles

English version


The surname and name of author (authors) separated by commas.

Times New Roman 14, 1.5 interval, center

Article title


Times New Roman 12, 1.5 interval, center


Summary – 200-250 words

(You don't have to write the words statements, purpose, etc., but just highlight them separately with a new line)

Statement of the Problem…..

The purpose of the study…… 

Methods and respondents…. 


Conclusion & Significance…..

Key words


The main text, divided into sections: (introduction, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, methods and respondents, findings, discussion, conclusions, limitations). If the article is theoretical - introduction, problem, analysis and conclusions.
Format of the main text:
• first line - indent 1.25 cm. (Format → Paragraph → first line → indent 1.25 cm);
• line spacing - one and a half;
• Times New Roman font;
• 12 font size;

References in the text - (last name, year), if a quotation - (last name, year, page...). For example, (Ivanova, 2001, p. 105),  (Bessant, 2001, p. 43).
If references to several works by one author in one year - (surname, year a, year b).  And in literature the same letters.  For example, (Ivanova, 2001a, p. 105), (Ivanova, 2001b, p. 95).



When describing the methods, reference to the authors and literature is required



Table 1. Title with a capital letter
If there are figures, graphs, diagrams - they are given separately, each figure in a separate excel file



Conclusion & Significance…



In the "Acknowledgments" you should indicate the financial support of the relevant organizations and funds, the name of the grants, contracts, scholarships within the framework of which the study was conducted. For example, The study was carried out with the support of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RFBR), number, ... "title".


References ( APA style)

Astrid, S., Bernd, M., & Machilek, F. (2006). Personality in cyberspace: personal Web sites as media for personality expressions and impressions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(6), 1014–1031.

Barker, E. T., & Bornstein, M. H. (2010). Global self-esteem, appearance satisfaction, and self-reported dieting in early adolescence. The journal of early adolescence, 30(2), 205–224.

Green, D. M., & Swets, J. A. (1966). Signal detection theory and psychophysics. New York: Wiley.

Hanita, K. (2015). The influence of counter-exemplars on implicit stereotypes and prejudices (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Bem, D.J. (1970). Testing self-perception explanation of dissonance phenomena – salience of premanipulation attitudes // Journal of personality and social psychology, 14(1), 23–31. DOI:10.1037/h0020916

Brockmeier, J. (2001). From the end to the beginning. Retrospective teleology in autobiography. In: J. Brockmeier, D. Carbaugh (Eds.), Narrative and identity: studies in autobiography, self, and culture (pp. 247–282). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Information about the author/s

Anna V. Ivanova, Ph.D (Psychology), associate professor,  or (Dr.Prof.)

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; bld. 6, Miusskaya Square, Moscow, Russia, 125993; Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia; bld.9-4, Mokhovaya str., Russia, Moscow, 125009,