Alekseev V.D. On the issue of individual and personal factors in the formation of risk behaviour
Vladimir D. Alekseev, PhD student, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Moscow, Russia; bld. 18–1, Petrozavodskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 125171;
This article is devoted to the study of the relationship between personal qualities and the propensity to risk behaviour. In the conditions of modern society, where uncertainty and rapid changes are becoming more and more prominent, it is important to understand how individual personality traits influence risk-related decision-making.
The aim of the study: to deepen understanding of the mechanisms of risky behaviour in terms of individual personality traits by means of empirical research using a set of classic domestic and foreign techniques.
The study used such techniques as: The Brief Big Five Questionnaire – TIPI, the test of meaning and life orientations (TMLO), the methodology of studying the features of manifestation of innovative potential of personality of Vlasenko Y.A. and Kalin V.K., methodology ‘Measurement of rationality’, questionnaire ‘Personal factors of decision-making’ (PFDM-25), test ‘Need to search for sensations’, methodology ‘Self-assessment of the propensity to extreme risky behaviour’ (M. Zukkerman), Schubert’s methodology of diagnostics of the degree of readiness to risk, A.G. Shmelev’s methodology ‘Study of the propensity to risk’, test ‘Are you able to take a justified risk?’.
In general, the results of the study show that the group of respondents is characterised by a moderate propensity to risk, caution and preference for stability, which is supported by a higher level of intrinsic motivation and meaning-life orientations with the expression of such personality traits as conscientiousness and openness to new experiences. Also, the majority of respondents, both men and women, showed a low level of extraversion. This trend indicates a more pronounced introverted sample orientation. The overall profile of the respondent indicates a general readiness to adapt, but without excessive adventurism.
Key words: personality traits, risky behaviour, risk seeking, decision making
For citation: Alekseev, V.D. (2024). On the issue of individual and personal factors in the formation of risk behaviour. New Psychological Research, No. 4, 185–212. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2024_04_04_08
Keywords: personality traits risky behaviour risk seeking decision making
Received: 08th december 2024
Published: 08th december 2024