Poleva N.S. On the problem of immersiveness of real and virtual spaces
Natalia S. Poleva, Ph.D (Psychology), Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; bld. 6, Miusskaya square, Moscow, Russia, 125047; Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, Moscow, Russia; bld. 9–4, Mokhovaya str., Russia, Moscow, 125009; npoleva@mail.ru
The study of the problem of immersiveness of real and virtual offline and online spaces in the optics of aesthetic paradigm is based on the reception of ideas and concepts: 1) art form of a work of art; 2) art and literary concepts of English romanticism; 3) idea of "synthesis of arts"; 4) concept of "atmosphere" of new metamodern aesthetics. Transformations that are associated with the art form, ways of presenting and perceiving a work of art, role of author and perceiving subject, goals and objectives of art are analyzed in the discourse of immersiveness. The role of "spots of time" and "suspension of disbelief" as conditions for the emergence of the experience of immersive experiences is shown. The history of the idea of "synthesis of arts" is traced: archaic synthesis – differentiation of various types of arts, their orientation to a certain channel of perception – return to the idea of synthesis in the era of modernity and avant-garde – transformation of the ideas of synthesis into the idea of multisensory at a new technological level in the era of the Internet and digital technologies. Virtual reality technologies are focused on creating a multisensory experience, on appealing to the maximum number of human senses in order to achieve the illusion of complete immersion and presence in the artificial world. The concept of "atmosphere" is the fundamental concept of Boehme's new aesthetics, which is understood as a general theory of perception. The primary "object" of perception is the atmosphere, and only then does the analytical eye recognize objects, etc. By linking the qualities of the environment and the state of a person, atmospheres create a common reality for the perceiver and the perceived, which makes it possible to experience an immersive experience. Immersiveness as a psychological phenomenon is a process or state of mental and/or bodily involvement, immersion in a real or artificially created space, which is accompanied by emotional reactions.
Key words: immersiveness, immersive spaces, virtual spaces, aesthetic paradigm, art form of the artwork, “spots of time”, “suspension of disbelief”, synthesis of arts, atmospheres
For citation: Poleva, N.S. (2023). On the problem of immersiveness of real and virtual spaces. New Psychological Research, No. 3, 30–53. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2023_03_03_02
The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 19-18-00516 «Transitive and virtual spaces – commonality and differences».
Keywords: immersiveness immersive spaces virtual spaces aesthetic paradigm art form of the artwork “spots of time” “suspension of disbelief” synthesis of arts atmospheres
Received: 15th october 2023
Published: 15th october 2023