Martsinkovskaya T.D. Personal identity of the creator in a changing world
Tatyana D. Martsinkovskaya, Dr. of Sci. (Psychology), professor, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, Moscow, Russia; bld. 9–4, Mokhovaya str., Russia, Moscow, 125009; Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; bld. 6, Miusskaya square, Moscow, Russia, 125047: Moscow institute of psychoanalysis, Moscow, Russia: bld. 34–14, Kutuzovskii av., Moscow, Russia 121170;
The problem of the psychology of creativity as a way for an artist to search for his personal identity in a changing world is raised in the article. The options for creating the art product are analyzed both as a conscious construction of additional space for free self-expression and as a way of coping with difficulties and negative emotional experiences, unconscious catharsis. Considering the question of the connection between the artist and society, it is emphasized the importance of studying the methods and intentions which help to reflect the experiences of the era in different types of art. The difference in the degree of awareness of the creative process between writers, poets and artists, composers is shown. The options for searching for the lost world are considered on the example of literature (M. Prus, E. Hoffmann) and painting (P. Nilus, A. Serebryakov). The connection between the rational and irrational aspects of the creation and perception of a work of art when coding and decoding its meaning by the artist and the viewer is analyzed. The synthetic nature of the images presented in films which is due both to collective creativity (director-operator) and the need to combine the requirements of artistry and the financial payback of the film is shown. The importance of connecting a flexible form and plot in this case is shown by the example of D. Cameron's and K. Nolan’s works. The question of the connection between the form and content of works of art is considered on the example of the perception of painting and music by artists, composers and writers. In the context of this problem, the role of color in painting and melody and rhythm in music is studied. Changes in the perception and experience of time are especially clearly visible in the works of post-impressionists and expressionism in painting and in atonal music, which most clearly expressed the crises of the era in the middle of the last century. The search for a way to express themselves and their time is one of the leading motivations for artists. This motive leads to the creation of works of art, but this work becomes immortal only when these searches are important not only for the creator himself, but also for people at different times. The conversation of the artist with himself, the harmonious combination in this conversation of unconscious experiences and conscious ways of realizing aspirations in the created world, make the creation immortal, as it helps the viewer to find himself in a changeable time.
Key words: personal identity of the creator, artistic creativity, flexible external and internal form, catharsis, construction, coping
For citation: Martsinkovskaya, T.D. (2023). Personal identity of the creator in a changing world. New Psychological Research, No. 3, 54–69. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2023_03_03_03
The work was carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-18-00140 “Dynamic stability of personality in the space of sociocultural uncertainty”.
Keywords: personal identity of the creator artistic creativity flexible external and internal form catharsis construction coping
Received: 15th october 2023
Published: 15th october 2023