Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

From the Editor

Editor-in-chief of the journal «New psychological research» T. D. Martsinkovskaya, Moscow, 18 June 2024

Dear colleagues, I am glad to present the second issue of our journal for 2024, which includes articles reflecting various and relevant problems of modern psychological science.

It opens with the article by Korsakova N.K., Roshchina I.F., Balashova E.Yu. «Interface of interfunctional interactions in the dyad “psyche-brain” during aging as a model of adaptive regulation of mental activity». The authors discuss various aspects of the regulation of mental activity during normal aging. Particular attention in the article is paid to the study of regulation and analysis of those brain structures and systems that participate in the implementation of regulatory processes and consider the three main mechanisms of adaptation of the aging brain to new conditions of its work.

The article by A.F. Filatova and S.N. Kostromina “Value-semantic determinants of the experience of one's own destructiveness: qualitative analysis” presents a study in which implements a relevant approach that considers the experience of one's own destructiveness in connection with the actualization and implementation of life values and meanings. The materials obtained as a result of the semi-structured interview allowed to identify empirical referents in the respondents' texts that correspond to three levels of self-determined destructive activity and to show the role of values in the process of self-determination of personal destructiveness.

The article by M.V. Viklein and N.V. Grishina “The conceptual function of goal setting in everyday activities” reveals the semantic richness of life in connection with the indicators of the individual's life position and authenticity. The mixed, qualitative-quantitative design of the study made it possible to identify semantic units that confirm the semantic function of goal-setting in everyday activity, showing that people strive to formulate goals in accordance with their values.

In the article by K.M. Shipkova “Speech recovery in patients with acoustic-mnestic aphasia in a modeled music-enriched environment and in traditional speech therapy approach. Comparative analysis” a comparative study of the dynamics of recovery of quantitative and qualitative speech indicators in patients with acoustic-amnestic aphasia was conducted in different rehabilitation options. The results showed that both types of therapy did not affect the change in the profile of auditory-speech asymmetry. However, in the main group was revealed a more pronounced rate of regression of disorders (from moderate to mild) than in the control group. 

In the work by N.A. Pasternak «Individual differences related to development the ability to act “in the mind”» an empirical test of the idea of Ya.A. Ponomarev that the basis for the development of rational thinking is the ability to act "in the mind" was conducted, as well as connection of this ability with other personality traits. It was found that there is a relationship between the level of development of the ability to act "in the mind" and the level of development of rational thinking, as well as between this ability and the use of coping strategies. This can help adolescents in mastering their own behavior in a difficult life situation.

In the work of A.A. Maksimenko and A.R. Zagladina Maksimenko A.A., Zagladina A.R. “The role of psychological entitlement in a person's corrupt intentions” a theoretical analysis of English-language publications was conducted and the connections of this concept with synonymous constructs were identified. The connections found in the peer-reviewed publications convince of the positive relationships between psychological superiority and the corrupt intentions of an individual.

In the article by A.M. Shevtsov and M.G. Yusupov Shevtsov A.M., Yusupov M.G. “Preventing distress among combatants through training in mental regulation skills” important results are presented about the effectiveness of training law enforcement officers in the skills of managing their own mental state in difficult operating conditions. The study is based on an experimental design with three diagnostic sections. The obtained materials showed that in the experimental group, in contrast to the control group, the complex symptom of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) does not occur. The obtained results allow to conclude that extensive psychological training has a positive effect on the resilience of military personnel to professional stress in combat conditions.

The article by S.I. Konzhin “The image of a hero as an idealized reference point for a person’s life model” presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the possibility of using the image of a hero to identify a personality’s life model as a fragment of a life scenario. The projective method was used in the study. The author identified 4 types of life models. The obtained data showed the relationships between the types of life models, subjective characteristics of hero images, values, and coping strategies.

M.S. Guseltseva in her review of the extremely relevant article by William Gaver’s et al. “Emergence as a Feature of Practice-based Design Research” analyzes the authors’ reasoning on different options for the formation and development of research design. In general, the authors call for finding a balance between intentional (planned) and emergent (sensitive to unpredictability) methods of research work – this means combining purposefulness with openness to change.

In the review by N.I. Yurchenko, the article by Sassenberg K., Boos M., Postmes T., Reips U.-D. “Studying the Internet: A challenge for modern psychology” is presented. The authors analyze the impact of the Internet on society and psychology. They emphasize that the Internet serves as a huge laboratory for psychological research, allowing for studies with a huge number of respondents, which enriches the tools and scope of psychological work.

The appendix to this issue provides abstracts of the most interesting presentations at the international conference “New Challenges of Digital Society: An Interdisciplinary Approach”

Alekseeva O.S. Similarity of Spouses in Value Indicators

Ryzhov A.L. Affective Disorders and Creativity – Hypotheses on the Relationship

Baranova V.A. Place for a teenager: needs of a teenager and the urban environment


Received: 18th june 2024

Published: 18th june 2024