From the Editor
Editor-in-chief of the journal «New psychological research» T. D. Martsinkovskaya, Moscow, 3 April 2024
Dear colleagues, I am glad to present the first issue of our journal of 2024.
It opens with an article by D.A. Leontiev “From the psychology of illness to the psychology of health: positive reorientation”, which presents a modern interdisciplinary philosophical-sociological-psychological approach to psychological health as an integral characteristic. The author's concept focuses on the positive resources of the person, which perform a buffer function in relation to the risks of physical and mental illness.
In the work of V.D. Mamaeva-Niles and N.V. Grishina “Personality in situations of target incongruence: assessment factors” conducted a study of the interaction of personal and situational parameters in the event of a mismatch of expectations and changed capabilities. The results obtained, showing the dependence of assessment on the context, seem very relevant in a situation of constant changes.
The article by C. Zhou “Life goals as a meaning-forming factor in the life of representatives of Russian and Chinese cultures” is devoted to the important problem of the influence of culture on the connection between goals and the meaning of life. The results obtained show differences in the understanding of the meaning of life in the two groups. While Russians associate meaningfulness of life with goals and opportunities for their implementation, Chinese respondents view meaningfulness both from the perspective of traditional values and readiness for change.
Article by P.V. Lupulyak “The image of the future among migrants with different motivations for continuing migration” is dedicated to one of the most pressing questions of migration at present. Analysis of the forecast for the duration of migration and the image of the future among migrants enabled the author to show the key role of the meaning of continuing migration, revealing its connection with the expected prospects and picture of the future.
In the article by P.R. Pshonkovskaya and T.D. Martsinkovskaya, “The Mind-wandering Phenomenon and Interaction with a Smartphone: Impact on Attention Control and Reaction Time,” studied the debated problem of ambivalent influence of smartphones on human cognitive activity. It was found out the cognitive benefits of structured breaks as well as the complex dynamics between mindfulness, variability in smartphone use, and attentional networks.
The important topic of using smartphones is also discussed in the article by G.R. Khuzeeva “Features of digital everyday life and manifestations of phubbing among young people.” Manifestations of phubbing are considered as one of the forms of using a gadget, as an addiction to a smartphone and as a form of digital everyday life in mixed reality, which is becoming the norm of communication.
In the article by D.E. Goyaeva, T.S. Obukhova, T.M. Ovsyannikova, A.M. Rytikova, Ts.G. Dzhioeva, A. Pavlova and A.Yu. Nikolaeva “Specificities of assessing phonemic hearing and its features in children with ASD” demonstrated the need for the development and adaptation of specialized diagnostic tools. These instruments should be sensitive to the specific speech and language impairments of individuals with ASD, while at the same time being minimally dependent on their cognitive abilities.
In the review to the book by Fatemi, S. “The Psychology of Inner Peace: Discovering Heartfulness” M.S. Guseltseva presents the concept of the inner world of a person constructed by S.M. Fatemi. This concept is based on a deep understanding of humanity and its inner nature (innerness).
In the review of the article “The Online Disinhibition Effect” by John Suler N.I. Yurchenko shows the author's analysis of the differences in people's behavior on the Internet and in personal communication. The concept of J. Suler is presented, revealing the complexities of online behavior, allowing for a new look at the nature of disinhibiting in cyberspace.
The appendix to this issue contains summaries of the most interesting presentations at the international conference “Personality Psychology: Cultural Practices for the Development of Human Potential”
N.S. Poleva “New practices of everyday life”
N.A. Andreeva “Individual and personal characteristics of digital socialization in a changing world”
A.N. Ayanyan “Digital identity of youth – change in content and status (2018-2022)”

Received: 03rd april 2024
Published: 03rd april 2024