From the Editor
Editor-in-chief of the journal «New psychological research» T. D. Martsinkovskaya, Moscow, 15 October 2023
Dear colleagues, I present the third issue of our journal. The leading problems considered by the authors of this issue were the psychology of art, heuristics and the digital world.
This issue opens with an article by M.S. Guseltseva “Art in Human Socialization: The Dialectic of Agent and Culture.” This current topic is reflected by the author from two positions – the sociocultural context and the subjective state. Particular attention is paid by M.S. Guseltseva to interdisciplinary concept of “artistic taste”, which combines social and individual aspects of aesthetic education
Continuing the theme of the psychology of art, the article by N.S. Poleva " On the problem of immersiveness of real and virtual spaces " is devoted to the exceptionally actual problem. In the optics of the aesthetic paradigm, the author analyzes the problem of immersiveness of real and virtual offline and online spaces. Considering the history of the idea of “synthesis of arts” and the possibilities of new technologies, N.S. Poleva comes to the conclusion that in modern conditions of transitivity and uncertainty, immersion can become a way of finding new meanings in aesthetic and extra-aesthetic emotional experiences and/or an option for finding oneself in different virtual worlds.
In the work of T.D. Martsinkovskaya “Personal identity of the creator in a changing world”, the topic of the psychology of art is considered from a different viewpoint, as the artist’s ability to find (or look for) his personal identity in a changing world through immersion in his creativity. Options for such acquisitions are analyzed in the context of different types of art – literature, painting, music, and cinema. It is shown that the realization of one’s search not only makes the work immortal, but also helps the viewer find himself in changing times.
The role of heuristics is considered by D.E. Nikolaev in the article “Heuristics used in scientific descriptions of interaction: towards the psychology of science.” The author describes four universal heuristics that are used by scientists working in different scientific fields. An important assumption made by D.E. Nikolaev, in his article, argues that understanding of heuristics can facilitate the development of a methodology for interdisciplinary and multi-paradigm research.
The theme of digital society is continued by N.A. Andreeva and S.V. Preobrazhenskaya in their study “Transformations of identity styles in a digital society” Based on the materials obtained in the work, the authors conclude that information identity contributes to better orientation in the flow of incoming information. The diffuse style allows the selection of relevant information and is associated with the characteristics of the digital modality.
Very important materials for clinical and developmental psychology were obtained in a joint study by Yu.E. Kurtanova and Yu.A. Burdukova. Shcherbakova A.M., Zorina E.S., Belozerskaya O.V., Lykova N.S., Shchukina V.D. and Brilliantova A.A. “Cognitive, emotional and social characteristics of children of primary school age with cancer.” The materials obtained by the authors are of particular importance in their comprehensive coverage of different areas of mental development of sick children - cognitive, social, and emotional. The authors make a reasonable conclusion that when developing measures for the social reintegration of children with cancer, an integrated approach is also necessary, involving social, emotional and cognitive components.
The Book Review part presents, as usual, reviews of interesting to our readers works that have not been translated into Russian.
N.I. Yurchenko in a review of the article Brinkmann S., Birk R., Lund P.C. “Is another kind of biologization possible? On biology and the psy sciences " describes the authors' approach to analyzing the complex relationships between biology and psychological disciplines. Considering two approaches in biology - laboratory biology and environmental biology, the authors of the article write about the importance for psychology of reducing the consideration of biological data of the first type and increasing attention to the works of the second type.
M.S. Guseltseva in her review of foreign thematic publications “Socialization in modern conditions: victimhood culture” focuses on the analysis of two books, whose authors analyze the emergence of a new moral culture on university campuses - the culture of sacrifice. These are the book “The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars” (2018) by sociologists B. Campbell and J. Manning and the book “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure” (2018) by G. Lukianoff and J. Haidt.

Received: 15th october 2023
Published: 15th october 2023