Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

Martsinkovskaya T.D. Dynamic integrity of personality in the space of the chronotope

Tatyana D. Martsinkovskaya , Dr. of Sci. (Psychology), professor, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, Moscow, Russia; bld. 9–4, Mokhovaya str., Russia, Moscow, 125009; Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; bld. 6, Miusskaya square, Moscow, Russia, 125047; Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Moscow, Russia; bld. 34–14, Kutuzovskii av., Moscow, Russia 121170;

In a changing world with many development options, the structure of the chronotope also changes, first of all, the harmony of its structure can be broken. This, of course, violates the integrity of the personality and the possibility of its full development and self-realization. Therefore, an important research question is the analysis of ways in which the harmony between the objective and subjective components of space and time is not desecrated (or restored, maintained). How it is possible to achieve personal integrity and self-realization in an uncertain and brittle world.

At the same time, the objective elements of the chronotope – time and, especially, space – are changing. But subjective space and time often do not change. Based on the theorist of the analytical approach, options for finding dynamic integrity are considered. As possible answers, the specifics of the creative activity of artists and scientists who have experienced radical transformations in the surrounding world and / or the style and goals of their activities are reflected. It was suggested that finding the meaning of life and one's own creativity occurs either through experiences of "spots of time" – a kind of peak experience according to A. Maslow, or through a change in the content of creative activity. Crystallization of experiences related to personal and creative crises can help in finding ways of self-realization and finding a new identity. At the same time, the leading motivation itself – creativity and self-realization remains the main one.

Investigation of difficulties, discoveries and achievements of people in different spheres of activity has shown that there are several most important factors that ensure dynamic integrity in the space of the individual chronotope. These factors are the desire for self-realization in creativity – that is, the motivation to create, and not to demonstrate oneself, social sensitivity; the priority of construction, and not catharsis; flexibility and extent interests. The ability to overcome the negative influence of the "field", the social situation is determined not only by high creativity and motivation, but also by the desire and will not only to have, but also to be, a combination of self-transcendence and self-determination.


Key words: psychological chronotope, dynamic integrity of personality, changing world, self-determination, self-transcendence 



The work was carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-18-00140 “Dynamic stability of personality in the space of sociocultural uncertainty”.


For citation: Martsinkovskaya, T.D. (2024). Dynamic integrity of personality in the space of the chronotope. New Psychological Research, No. 3, 11–26. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2024_04_03_01


Keywords: psychological chronotope dynamic integrity of personality changing world self-determination self-transcendence

Received: 07th october 2024

Published: 07th october 2024

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