Martsinkovskaya T.D. Digital everyday life in a brittle and changing world
Tatyana D. Martsinkovskaya, Dr. of Sci. (Psychology), professor, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, Moscow, Russia; bld. 9–4, Mokhovaya str., Moscow, Russia, 125009; Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; bld. 6, Miusskaya square, Moscow, Russia, 125047; Moscow institute of psychoanalysis, Moscow, Russia; bld. 34–14, Kutuzovskii av., Moscow, Russia 121170;
The problem of digital everyday life is considered in several aspects – as coping, as an expression of existence, as one of the styles of information identity and as the protection of one’s self (both through the relationship to a mixed space and as a choice of priorities of cultural capital) and as a mask both in the real and online world. One of the most important aspects of digital everyday life in the modern world is its role as a coping strategy. The importance of this function is associated with the phenomenology of the modern world, in which constant variability and uncertainty are combined with nonlinearity, incomprehensibility and brittleness. Therefore, the article reveals not only new definitions of modern society, but also their content in digital reality. Options for digital everyday life are shown, which are associated with activity in mixed and additional spaces. Mixed space is primarily a way of self-realization in uncertainty, opening up new opportunities for people in situations of restrictions, external barriers (for example, quarantine) and personal ones, internal censorship, anxiety, precarity. Additional space can also become a coping option, for example, when identifying with the characters of TV series, movies, or computer games. Additional space can also become an expression of existence and play the role of a kind of protective barrier. The new digital everyday life is closely related to information identity styles, primarily the normative style, since this style, although it does not stimulate self-change and creativity, helps maintain emotional well-being in the online space. In any case, the degree of adherence to a certain style of information identity can be considered as one of the main options for modern digital everyday life. The habitual version of cultural capital can also be interpreted as digital everyday life, providing stability in a brittle world. Like adherence to the style of informational identity, the content and levels of cultural capital can also become one of the options for diagnosing personal identity. This approach can be combined with an understanding of the connection between the front stage and the backstage, the mask and the role in the concept of I. Hoffman. In general, we can conclude that there is a need for a holistic study of the classical version of everyday life and its transformations in the digital world. To understand the role of digital everyday life in the modern world, it is also important to study its influence on the formation of socialization and identification in a changing and uncertain digital world.
Key words: digital everyday life, transitive and changeable world, information identity, cultural capital, socialization, identification
For citation: Martsinkovskaya, T.D. (2023). Digital everyday life in a brittle and changing world // New Psychological Research, No. 4, 10–28. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2023_03_04_01
The work was carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 19-18-00516 “Transitive and virtual spaces – commonality and differences”.
Keywords: digital everyday life transitive and changeable world information identity cultural capital socialization identification
Received: 26th december 2023
Published: 26th december 2023