Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

Maksimenko A.A., Zagladina A.R. The role of psychological entitlement in a person's corrupt intentions

Aleksander A. Maksimenko, Dr (Sociology), PhD (Psychology), Chief Researcher of the Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy, HSE University, Moscow, Russia; bld. 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, Russia,101000;
Alexandra R. Zagladina, student, the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE University, Moscow, Russia; bld. 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 101000;

In the article, the authors attempt to describe the concept of ‟psychological entitlement” in the context of the psychology of a corrupt official. Based on the annotation of English-language publications, the connections found by foreign scientists with synonymous concepts and constructs such as narcissism, selfishness, envy, anger, and revenge are shown, and an assumption is made about the relationship of psychological entitlement with dark personality traits and a tendency to corruption and other illegal actions. Special emphasis in the works of foreign colleagues is placed on the revealed correlations between psychological entitlement and behavior associated with information concealment (opacity), reduced sense of duty, asymmetry and disproportions in interaction with others, and immoralism. It has been found that psychological entitlement decreases with age, as people realize that they do not always get what they supposedly deserve, and men and people with higher socio-economic status demonstrate a higher level of psychological entitlement. Also, psychological entitlement is usually associated with individualism and the desire for leadership and independence. These and other connections found in refereed publications convince of positive relationships between psychological entitlement and corrupt intentions of the individual. Based on the implemented review of sources of foreign colleagues, the authors put forward hypotheses for subsequent verification, one of which is the mediating role of psychological entitlement in assessing perceived punishment in people with different beliefs and faith in dangerous and competitive worlds.


Key words: psychological entitlement, dark triad, narcissism, corrupt intentions, psychology of corruption, anti-corruption, review of English-language publications


For citation: Maksimenko, A.A., Zagladina, A.R. (2024). The role of psychological entitlement in a person's corrupt intentions. New Psychological Research, No. 2, 112–131. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2024_04_02_06


Keywords: psychological entitlement dark triad narcissism corrupt intentions psychology of corruption anti-corruption review of English-language publications

Received: 18th june 2024

Published: 18th june 2024

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