Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

Grishina N.V., Kostromina S.N., Odintsova M.M. Questionnaire “Dynamic stability of personality”

Natalia V. Grishina , Dr. (Psychology), professor, St. Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, Russia; bld. 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034;
Svetlana N. Kostromina , Dr. (Psychology), professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia; bld. 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034;
Maria M. Odintsova , senior lecturer, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia; bld. 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034;

Statement of the Problem. In modern personality psychology, in the face of the challenges of a changing reality, the study of not only personality variability, but also its stability is of particular relevance. The traditional understanding of stability as constancy and immutability does not satisfy modern dynamic approaches to the description of personal phenomenology, which determined the emergence of the concept of dynamic stability of personality, reflecting its procedural nature. 

The purpose of the study: theoretical justification, development and validation of the Questionnaire “Dynamic Personality Stability”.

Methods and respondents. Development of a questionnaire based on the theoretical representation of the concept of “dynamic stability”, validation of the questionnaire as a result of two series of studies. Construct validity was checked using the “Big Five”, “Life Position”, and “Types of Self-Determination” questionnaires. The total size of the study sample is 674 people.

Findings. Creation of a questionnaire “Dynamic stability of personality”, including scales (“Stability as a sense of internal balance”, “Positive attitude towards change”, “Positive attitude towards constancy”), with 15 judgments each. 

Conclusions. The questionnaire scales showed satisfactory consistency. The obtained correlations confirmed the construct validity of the developed questionnaire. The close links of the indicator of dynamic stability of a personality with such parameters of a life position as a sense of harmony of one's own life and its awareness indicate the fundamental nature of the stability factor as a parameter reflecting the psychological well-being of a personality; this conclusion is confirmed by the links of the questionnaire indicators with the peculiarities of self-determination. In general, the scales of the personality dynamic stability questionnaire are not focused on assessing the ability to cope with oneself or a situation, but on measuring the degree of awareness of the choice being made regarding the need for change or stability support.

The “Dynamic Stability of Personality” questionnaire can be used to solve problems of psychological diagnostics.


Key words: personality, stability, constancy, variability


For citation: Grishina, N.V., Kostromina, S.N., Odintsova, M.M. (2024). Questionnaire “Dynamic stability of personality”. New Psychological Research, No. 3, 75–94. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2024_04_03_04



The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 22-18-00140 “Dynamic stability of personality in the space of sociocultural uncertainty”. 


Keywords: personality stability constancy variability

Received: 07th october 2024

Published: 07th october 2024

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