Scientific journal

New Psychological Research

Fedunina N.Yu., Gildеeva L.N., Govorova N.V. Psychological aspects of inclusion process in school

Natalia Yu. Fedunina , Ph.D (Psychology), Center for sports technologies and training of sports teams of Moskomsport, Moscow, Russia; bld. 6, Sovetskaya Armii str., Moscow, Russia, 129272;
Lyudmila N. Gildeeva , primary school teacher, school No. 1540, Moscow, Russia; bld. 38–1, Novoslobodskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 127055;
Natalia V. Govorova , Master's degree in Psychological and pedagogical education, tutor, school No. 1540, Moscow, Russia; bld. 38–1, Novoslobodskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 127055;

The articleexamines a number of psychologicalaspects of the inclusive processat school based on the case of a ten-year-old boy withattention deficit disorder. Inclusionrequires a multifaceted transformation of the school spaceand is a challenge for schoolstoday. The articleconsiders inclusion as"inclusion" not onlyas a process of involving a child withspecial needs in learningin a massschool, but alsoas a system of strengthening connections at the level of educational material,interaction of the child withother childrenand teachers.

This islargely due to the formation of a working team consistingof allmembers of the educational process: a teacher, a tutor, a psychologist,parents, a child. The experience of mentalization, understanding of the child's conditions, his capabilitiesand deficits,embodied in the search for pedagogical interventions within a largeclass, creates a nurturingenvironment for strengtheningnot onlyexternal but alsointernal connections, thereby contributing to de factoinclusion. It is emphasized that the experience of inclusion is a two-way process, newrelationships (external andinternal) are formed inwhich the child feelsincluded in a complexsystem of connections. 

The aspects of the teacher's countertransference, which is faced not onlywith methodologicaltasks, but alsowith the need to containand handlestrong primitive affectivestates, are also discussed.The processes of the child's projective identification of feelings of helplessness, inefficiency, anger, etc. are considered. acute experiences andtheir impacton the teacher. 

As part of the systematic work of an inclusiveteam of teachers, tutors,psychologists and parents, the application of various interventions is described, including psychoeducation,ABA techniques,psychoanalytic ideas forunderstanding internal states,methods of self-organization and self-regulation, etc.,carried out both in the context of school and at home.


Key words: inclusion, ADHD, school


For citation: Fedunina, N.Yu., Gildеeva, L.N., Govorova, N.V. (2024). Psychological aspects of inclusion process in school. New Psychological Research, No. 3, 198–219. DOI: 10.51217/npsyresearch_2024_04_03_09



We are grateful to Cléopâtre Athanassiou-Popesco and Jeanne Magagna for their helpful comments and continuous inspiration. 


Keywords: inclusion ADHD school

Received: 07th october 2024

Published: 07th october 2024

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